// Find all features within a static bounding box var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures( [[10, 20], [30, 50]], { layers: ['my-layer-name'] } );
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// Find all features within a bounding box around a point var width = 10; var height = 20; var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures([ [point.x - width / 2, point.y - height / 2], [point.x + width / 2, point.y + height / 2] ], { layers: ['my-layer-name'] });
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// Query all rendered features from a single layer var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures({ layers: ['my-layer-name'] });
Returns an array of GeoJSON Feature objects representing features within the specified vector tile or GeoJSON source that satisfy the query parameters.
// Find all features in one source layer in a vector source var features = map.querySourceFeatures('your-source-id', { sourceLayer: 'your-source-layer' });
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// If an image with the ID 'cat' already exists in the style's sprite, // replace that image with a new image, 'other-cat-icon.png'. if (map.hasImage('cat')) map.updateImage('cat', './other-cat-icon.png');